Learn to Discern

(new series - Learn to Discern)

Beneficial or Harmful?

the same book (or sermon, article, conversation, etc.) can be:

beneficial for some
harmful for others



one person...
- has biblical discernment
- uses the Bible to test what the book says
- identifies what is actually scriptural, or not
- holds fast to God's truth (found in the book)
- recognizes and rejects what is false (as regards beliefs)
- benefits from God's truth in the book (benefits from the process of discerning)

another person...
- lacks biblical discernment
- tests nothing
- believes everything (good, bad, ugly)
- or believes nothing (rejecting God's truth found in the book)
- is harmed by the same book

(condensed from 'Learn to Discern' ã by John and Kim Namestnik 2004 - revised 2013)


  1. Through the years I have seen this to be true and try to be discerning when sharing books that have blessed my life etc. "Pray about everything..."


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