Hermies and Exies

(new series - Hermies and Exies)

Simple Definitions

hermeneutics - principles used to interpret Bible
exegesis - process of applying hermeneutics
interpretation - explain the meaning

exegesis - pull out of :)
eisegesis - put into :(



- literally = translation / interpretation
- generally = whole field of Bible interpretation
- popularly = principles used to interpret Bible

- process of applying hermeneutics
- bringing out / drawing out of Scripture
. what is actually in the text
. Author's original meaning
. correct interpretation
- note: say no to eisegesis (putting into / reading into the text what is not actually there) - do not add to Scripture - this leads to wrong interpretations

- to explain the meaning of something
- note: don't avoid interpreting the Bible, but don't give own personal interpretation - interpret according to Author's original meaning

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